Black Hole is an extended chorus with variable 2 delay line modulator generating Phasing/Chorus/Reverb effects.
The effect consists of mixing the output of 2 sinus modulated delay lines working in parallel, and one of them in reverse phase. This generates various effects ranging from phasing through chorus and ending in reverb. The fact of having 2 delay lines allows the “through zero” effect, generating a blackout of signal due to phase cancellation.
Rate: Controls the speed of the modulation. Ranges from 0,1 to 15Hz approx.
Depth: Controls the amount of modulation, from 0 (no modulation) to max (inharmonic detuned sounds).
Envelope: Adds output signal to the input producing feedback (warning: high positions can produce oscillation depending on time setting!!!). This allows you creating either wet or dry sounds when mode control is i “dead zone” or more reverb like sounds when mode control is at left position.
Mode setting: Controls the center delay time of one of the delay lines allowing the different effect sounds. This lets you range from phasing to reverb effects passing through chorus like sounds.
Measurements: 11,9 x 9,4 x 3,4 cms (4,7 x 3,7 x 1,3 inches)